How long should a hot tub filter last for?
"The consumer's choice of spa filter . . ."

How long should a hot tub filter last for?

How long can I reasonably expect my hot tub filters to last, what is a realistic lifespan?

Now, there’s the $64,000 question!

There are many factors that can affect the lifespan of hot tub filters, a great deal of which we, the user, have control over and so it is mostly down to us.

Let’s start at the top with this one – Filter quality.  This is arguably the most important factor involved in filter longevity. Not only is the filtration quality important, the robustness and durability of the filter material is also key. This has a great impact on the number of times that the filter can be cleaned. A more durable filter material can be cleaned more times without damage and ‘wear and tear’ occurring than a cheaper poor-quality filter which is less able to sustain the cleaning and brushing required to return the filter to an acceptable state whilst still maintaining its original filtration qualities.

Darlly filters contain a high-quality durable filter material which ensures a longer service life able to tolerate many cleaning cycles without losing strength, integrity, and efficiency.   

Regular and careful filter maintenance.  The filters should be inspected and cleaned at regular intervals. It is important not to let the filters get too ‘overloaded’ or ‘clogged’ as this will have a detrimental effect not only on the filter but also on water quality.

The filters should be thoroughly and sympathetically cleaned to maintain the filtration efficiency, which, let’s face it, is the reason they are there! 

The filters should be removed and gently washed and brushed before soaking in a filter cleaning solution. Gently does it so as not to cause physical damage to the filter.

Use the Darlly Cyclone Filter Cleaner (SC785) filter cleaner and detergent to truly clean the filters. You wouldn’t wash your clothes without detergent 

For continuous hot tub enjoyment, having two sets of filters gives you the opportunity to quickly change the filters and then immediately continue enjoying your hot tub. The removed filters can then be cleaned and allowed to dry at a more convenient time. It is important the allow the filters to dry completely before refitting back into the hot tub.

The spare filters should be stored in a dry dust and dirt-free environment, after all, we want the filters to remove contaminants not add them!

Now, let us have a think about what we are asking the filters to do. What do we imagine that the filters will be removing from the water? There is probably a lot more being asked of the filter than we might first imagine. Dust? Dirt? Leaves? Yep, and more!

What about make-up, sunscreen, body fats, fake-tan, body dirt?

It is recommended that people shower before enjoying the hot tub as this will reduce the contaminants carried into the hot tub water. It’s all about maintaining water quality.

Taking these precautions such as regular gentle filter cleaning, reducing contaminants entering the water and generally maintaining water quality will help your filters work efficiently and considerably extend their service life. As you can see, caring for your filters can help then care for you!

Please see our other topics on Filter care, including ‘How to clean a dirty hot tub filter’. 

Find out more about quality Darlly filters on our website

We hope that this topic has been helpful. If you have any suggestions for future hot tub filter topics, please don’t hesitate to get in touch, we will do our best to help you! 

Happy Hot tubbing!

The Darlly Team

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