How Do I Get My Hot Tub Ready For A Party?
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How Do I Get My Hot Tub Ready For A Party?

It’s too good to miss! An opportunity to party and you have a hot tub, how do you prepare the water to be sparkling and inviting? It would be rude to invite your friends and not invite the hot tub wouldn’t it? 

Hopefully, you have allowed yourself enough time between now and party-time to get the tub ship-shape.

Where shall we start? This depends on the condition of the water currently in the hot tub. How long has it been in there? Is it cloudy? Is it saturated? Does it look inviting?

If the water has been in there a while or the quality is not tip top, it may be worth changing it. Come party time, the water and the filters will possibly have to deal with and filter out considerably more contamination than it normally would, hence why the water needs to be prepared for it.

Let us assume that we need to change the water to enjoy the best bathing experience at party time.

When was the last time you carried out a hot tub flush to clean the hidden pipework and plumbing? It is worth considering carrying out this task now if it has been a while since it was last done. 

Let’s break this down into a few simple steps.

1.    Remove the filters and any floating sponges, Darlly Ducks, chemical dispensers etc.

2.   Turn on the jets to max, or the cleaning cycle if available and add the liquid or gel cleaner.

3.    Wipe down the inside of the tub to remove any residual film or grime.

4.    Turn off the jets and the mains isolator before draining/pumping out the water.

5.   Once the hot tub is completely drained and sponged out, start refilling with fresh water. Run the hose into the filter housing. This helps to fill the pipework first and can help avoid any airlocks in the system.

6.    Fit new or previously thoroughly cleaned and dried quality Darlly filters. Also check out Darlly Sanistream and Darlly Silverstream filters for added benefits.

7.   Fill the hot tub until the water is just above the highest jets by 30-50mm or your hot tub manufacturers recommendation. Test the water using test strips. Add some chlorine to boost the levels as the water is mains tap water. 

To balance alkalinity and PH, wait until the water is up to normal hot tub temperature. 

Remember to maintain floor cleanliness around the hot tub to reduce the possibility of treading contamination into the hot tub. 

Add a Darlly duck or two to help collect the floating contaminants that always surface.

Arrange the party lights to add to the atmosphere and don’t forget your Darlly Cocktails to add a little extra pizazz to your hot tub!

Party on! 
Happy Hot tubbing!

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