Will hot tub water quality affect my skin?
"The consumer's choice of spa filter . . ."

Will hot tub water quality affect my skin?

How important is hot tub water quality and how can it affect my skin? This, amongst other things, probably isn’t something that we immediately think about in the excitement of getting into the hot tub, but should we?

The simple answer is yes if you enjoy regular bathing in your hot tub.

We all enjoy the relaxation, the physical and the social benefits of our hot tubs, and with a little attention to water quality, we can also help care for our skin.

The items most important for water quality that we should be looking at are the filtration, chemicals, balance, pH and temperature.

Hot water can remove your skin’s natural body oils leaving it feeling coarse and dry. Excessive heat can harm and cause lasting damage to your skin. Water temperature ideally needs to be comfortable but without being too hot for your skin.

Skin can redden if exposed to excessive heat.

Also, if sanitiser levels are not maintained to the correct level, bacteria can thrive possibly causing skin conditions or worse.

Sanitiser levels are very important to maintaining high water quality and a healthy environment in which to bathe. 

Read our filter care topic How do I check and maintain the water quality for more detailed information and explanations about what to test, how to remedy any problems and improve water quality if required. 

Remember to shower after leaving the hot tub to wash away any bromine or chlorine remaining on your skin.

Don’t forget your dead-sea-salt based Darlly Cocktails to add just a little extra to your bathing experience.

For more information on how to look after your filters, Sanistream Filters and Inline sanitization, read our other Darlly filter care topics about how to maintain your hot tub water quality, What is the difference between chlorine and bromine, Darlly Spa Cocktails, Darlly filter care, How do I check and maintain the water qualityHow to clean a hot tub filter, and of course, how Darlly Duck can help.

If you have any suggestions for other Filter Care topics that we haven’t covered, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We will see what we can do for you! 

Happy healthy Hot Tubbing!

The Darlly Team 

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