Why you should let hot tub filters dry after cleaning
Why do hot tub filters need to dry before refitting?
Why you should let hot tub filters dry after cleaning
It is easy to think that once you have completed the final and seriously thorough rinse of cleaning your hot tub filters that the job is done. But is it?
Well, not quite……..
Just as important as all of your effort, time and care taken cleaning the filters is the real final stage, drying. Complete and thorough drying.
Why do we need to let the filters dry? They’re only going back into the water in the hot tub aren’t they? Well, yes they are, but that is the only thing you want going back into the water isn’t it? We really don’t want bacteria in there do we?

Hot Tub Bacteria?
Bacteria. Like all other organisms, bacteria need water to survive. If the filter is not completely dry, the bacteria can thrive deep within ready to be re-introduced into your hot tub water.
A wet filter can trap bacteria and other contaminants that can quickly multiply.
Thoroughly cleaning the filter, and then allowing it to dry completely helps to alleviate this problem.
Filters left stored wet or damp can often go green with algae which is very difficult to remove and not very inviting to put back into your hot tub really is it?
How to dry a hot tub filter
It is probably not best practise to apply direct excessive heat to a wet or damp hot tub filter so let’s not do that. 🙂
After cleaning, allow excessive water to drain naturally from the filter before placing the filter in a suitable location to allow to dry completely.
A warm location will aid drying. It can take a surprising length of time for a filter to dry completely, and can be helped by allowing a warm air to flow freely around and through the centre of the filter.
Two sets of hot tub filters
To allow continuous use and enjoyment of your hot tub whilst cleaning and thoroughly drying your filters, it is good practise to have two sets of filters so that at filter cleaning time, it is simply and swiftly out with the dirty filters and in with the clean. It really is that simple.
Two sets of filters properly cared for should last much longer than just one set that is in continuous use, plus the fact that your hot tub is available for you to enjoy whenever you want.
Remember, you should not run a hot tub without filters installed.
Washing away all traces of detergent
After cleaning the filters, it is important to thoroughly irrigate and wash the filters with clean water to completely remove all traces of any cleaning filter cleaner fluids and detergents. It is difficult to over-emphasise the importance of this is as any residuals can affect the water balance and chemistry, which you will then need to address.
To sum up:-
Swap your dirty filters out of your hot tub and replace with clean ones.
Clean the dirty filters
Thoroughly wash out all traces of cleaner with clean water
Dry the clean filters completely and store until required at next filter change.
For more useful and interesting information about hot tub filters, follow the link to our Filter Care Topics .
Need help identifying your filter? Take a look at our Filter Finder
Follow the link to our website to view our ranges of filters and the award-winning Sanistream inline dosing system.
If you have any questions or suggestions for other Filter Care topics, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We are here to help.
Happy Hot Tubbing!
The Darlly Team