Does my hot tub use filters?
Does my hot tub use filter? All hot tubs have and need filters because If they didn’t, the water would soon become so dirty with contamination. Meaning that it would become completely uninviting to bathe in and also unsafe.
It may be that your hot tub water is not very inviting and you are now looking for a solution to your hot tub’s yacky water….
Why is the water dirty in my hot tub?
There can be numerous reasons why the water is not crystal clear. Does the control panel show a flow error message? If so, it could be that the filters that you don’t know about in your hot tub are severely contaminated and nearly completely blocked.
If you don’t have a flow error message, it could be that there aren’t actually any filters in the filter housing, and the dirty unfiltered water is just being pumped back into the hot tub which is not ideal is it?
Why does a hot tub need filters?
Efficient and effective filters are not only an important necessity to help maintain high quality water for the bathers. The filters also help to keep the unseen plumbing and pipework clean and protect the expensive pumps.
We obviously need to do something about this poor water quality, so where do we find this filter housing?
Where are the filters located in my hot tub?
The filter housing is usually located inside the tub just below the waterline. There is usually a recess in the hot tub where the water flows into the filter housing, usually through a basket type device called a filter basket or skimmer basket.
This is designed to catch and stop any larger items being sucked down and causing damage to the filters, or even the pumps.
The filters are usually located below the skimmer basket, but before we start removing the lift-off panels or the skimmer basket, ensure that the hot tub is switched off for safety.
Take a look under the skimmer basket into the filter housing. Hopefully you should find one or maybe two filters there.

Where can I find information on how to clean hot tub filters?
Visit our Filter Care page to read about cleaning your filters. If you require replacement filters, head to our Filter Finder to help identify the quality Darlly filters you need.
For help and information about caring for your hot tub filters, follow the link to the Filter Care page on our website where you will find a wide range of easy-read topics about filters and hot tubs to help you enjoy crystal clear water in your hot tub.
If you have any questions about hot tub filters or suggestions for Filter Care topics, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We’re here to help and would love to hear from you.
Happy Hot Tubbing!
The Darlly Team