How to prepare my hot tub and filters for use after winter
"The consumer's choice of spa filter . . ."

How to prepare my hot tub and filters for use after winter

At last! The rain has stopped, the chilly breeze has gone to bother someone else, and there is a hint of blue sky and sunshine. If you haven’t already, it probably won’t be long before you mind starts thinking about moving the dead leaves onto the compost heap, dusting off the hot tub, and enjoying the warmth of the water. Let’s get outdoors again and enjoy the space!

Let’s start with the hot tub.

Safety first! Ensure that the electrical supply is safe, sound, undamaged and in perfect working order!  Seek expert help and advice if required.

Next, flush the hot tub pipelines through with a garden hosepipe. It is a good idea to let the first few minutes of hosepipe water to flow onto the garden (or elsewhere) to minimise the possibility of having any bacteria that may have accumulated in the hosepipe being put into the hot tub.

Clean the inside of the hot tub shell with a clean cloth, and ONLY use cleaning materials as recommended by the spa manufacturer designed specifically for use in hot tubs. Never use regular kitchen or bathroom cleaning products.

With a suitable wet and dry vac, vacuum the pipework, jets, blowers, and heaters to remove any debris, dirt, and cobwebs.

It is a good idea to remove the jets and check to make sure they are clean. Especially the area behind the jets.

Before filling the hot tub, don’t forget to replace the drain plugs from the pump to stop leaking. Also, check any compression fittings are also correctly fitted again.

Fill the hot tub with water through the skimmer or filter area, ensuring that the hose does not sit in the water (there should always be a gap between the end of the hose and the surface of the water to conform with WRAS Water Regulations).

Add chlorine (or bromine) to the filter area as the water is filling and add more chlorine (or bromine) while the hot tub continues to fill with water (but NEVER mix these two neat chemicals!). Depending on the water pressure and the volume of water needed for the hot tub, this could typically take anywhere between 1 – 3 hours, but the hot tub should never be left unattended for any length of time in case of any issues arising.

All the time the hot tub is filling, check for any water leaks on the ground and inside the cabinet. Some hot tubs may require the pump to be bled, using the key on the wet end of the pump prior to starting the circulation.

The water should be heated to the desired temperature and should be tested for sanitiser level (chlorine or bromine), pH and alkalinity, and appropriate chemicals added to bring these parameters into line with industry standards.

Filters next. What did you do with your existing filters at the end of last season? Were they all cleaned, dried, and stored away in a clean environment in preparation for this season or do they need replacing? Read our Filter Care topics for more information on Darlly quality filters.

If you are planning to use your existing filters, don’t forget to take this opportunity to give them a thorough inspection to check the integrity of the filter material for splits, rips, tears, or holes and for any dirt or debris hiding deep inside the pleats. 

Have you considered using Darlly Sanistream filters if you don’t already enjoy the benefits?

Darlly Europe’s revolutionary Sanistream® Direct filtration system is a new and unique technology which combines the world’s finest hot tub filters with a safe, convenient, and effective sanitiser dispenser to give an integrated spa water treatment system. Sanistream® is suitable for domestic hot tubs and it also allows compliance with Section 76 of HSG282 regulations for hot tubs installed in holiday let units. This system uses the DL815 SpaPod in combination with a Sanistream filter.

The SpaPod works with Darlly Sanistream® filters. The SpaPod simply twist clicks into place on the bottom of the Darlly SaniStream filter lid. This watertight canister is capable of holding 5-6 chlorine or bromine tablets with a controllable flow output. The tablets should last, with normal operation, 2-3 weeks.

Easy to use, safer sanitation and cost effective. SpaPod does not come with any Chlorine or Bromine, simply add your choice when necessary. 

Sanistream Pod

Sanistream hot tub filter
Sanistream Filter

Your hot tub is now ready to use all year round, so relax and enjoy your surroundings!

Don’t forget your Darlly Duck to help keep your hot tub clean!

You may prefer to seek the help of a professional company to undertake the re-commissioning of your hot tub. BISHTA has a list of members that will be able to assist you, visit

Happy Hot Tubbing!

The Darlly Team 

Remember if you need any help finding your Pool or Hot Tub Filter visit here

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