How to identify my hot tub filters?
How do I identify my hot tub filters?
Well, the time has arrived to replace the filters in the hot tub. They’ve been in there quite a while, you can’t for the life of you remember the part number, and the dreaded ‘How do I identify my hot tub filters?’ question is raised.
‘Fear not’ we shout! At Darlly, we are here to help with our easy-to-use Darlly Filter Finder.
The Darlly Filter Finder can help to rapidly either identify your filter exactly or at least narrow the search down to just a few possibilities to check.
The more details you have about your filter, the easier it is to identify.
What information do I need to identify my filters?
Any information from the list below will be useful in identifying your filters. Not everything is required so just enter the information you have as you go through the short quiz to find the filter you and your hot tub deserve.
Reference code (Manufacturers number)
Brand of hot tub
Design of top of filter – match the image
Design of bottom of filter – match the image
Length of filter
Diameter of filter
What do I do with this information to find my filters?
By using measurements and by matching the thread-type pictures, you should be able to find the quality filter your hot tub deserves.
Find our ‘Filter Finder’ on the Darlly Website or follow the link here to fly directly to the Filter Finder.
For further information and interesting topics about Hot Tub filters, Hot Tubs, and Filter Care, follow the link to our Filter Care section for a range of relevant and useful hot tub topics.
Darlly manufacture a number of different ranges of filters for various requirements. Click on the ‘Filters’ dropdown on the Darlly website to view the ranges to find the quality filter to best suit your requirements.
Those pages also offer another facility to help find your filter by ticking the relevant ‘Find Your Filter’ boxes to narrow the results down.
Not sure about how to measure your filter or identify the top and bottom of your filter? You’re in the right place, just follow our easy visual guide below.
How to measure a hot tub filter
You can use the dimensions that you have to help get to the required filter. How do you measure a filter? Easy! Follow our easy-to-use guide below showing how to measure the relevant dimensions and identify the thread type, if any. All measurements are in cm.
External diameter
This is the measurement across the filter from edge to edge. This example is 12cm.


Measure the length of the filter but do not include the handle or thread.
Internal / Inside diameter

Thread and fitting types
There are number of different types of fitting and thread types available. Filters can have male and female threads which can be coarse or fine, and possibly tapered.
Photo shows male threads, fine on the left hand side and coarse on the right hand side.
Measure the thread diameter. This is the outer edges of the thread for male thread. For a female thread, measure the inner diameter.
The Fine Thread (MPT) has from 6 – 8 fine twists (Pleatco ends P4 or F2M) whereas the Coarse Thread (SAE) will have as little as only 3 thicker threads (Pleatco ends P3 or F2S).

Male thread diameter measurement

Female thread diameter measurement
You now have all the dimensions that you will need to help identify your filter.
Just two more items to note now, nearly there! 🙂
Silverstream and Sanistream Filters
What is the original colour of the actual filter fabric? If it is white, it is a normal filter.
If it is blue, it is probably a Silverstream Antibacterial filter.

The last item relates to the top of the filter. Does it have a removeable twist-and-pull lid?

If yes, this will be a Sanistream filter designed to take an in-line dosing pod such as the Darlly Sanistream DL815 SpaPod (suitable for chlorine or bromine tablets) or a Darlly DL816 AquaSPArkle Pod which is ready-filled with sufficient bromine tablets to last you up to a month.
You should now have all the information you need to identify your filter on the Darlly Filter Finder or Darlly ‘Find your filter’ pages in the online catalogue.
Further assistance or more help and information required? No problem!
The label on the outer wrapper of new filters will have all part number details. (Please keep this for next time 🙂 …..! )
Darlly, Pleatco and Unicel will also sometimes have the part number on the end cap. Our brochure and website contain all of the part numbers to help you.
However, should you be without any part number after following the identification guide above and using our ‘Filter Finder’ guide using your measurements and brand identities, simply call us on +44 (0)1952 – 580500 we will be delighted to help you.
If you have any suggestions for hot tub / spa topics or subjects that you would like to read about in our filter care section please get in touch and we will be more than happy to help 🙂
Happy Hot Tubbing! 🙂
The Darlly Team 🙂
Where can I find the part number for my hot tub filter?
The sun is shining, the sky is blue and it’s time to replace the hot tub filters but you can’t find the old label with the filter number on it. You did actually keep the label didn’t you?
If not, read on……..
Darlly filters usually have the part number moulded on the top. If not, or it isn’t a genuine Darlly filter, you can take a few filter measurements and details.
By using the Darlly ‘Find Your Filter’ pages in the Darlly Brochure & Filter Directory accessed from the home page of our website, , it should be possible to identify your filter.
If you are not sure how or what to measure on your filter, refer to another of our helpful Filter Care topics ‘How can I identify my filter?’ for an easy step-by-step guide.
Another route to identifying your filter with the information you have is by using the ‘Filters’ dropdown on the home page. This offers a choice of options to view.
Each option will display all filters in that particular range. On the left hand side, select your hot tub brand which will then only display the filters relevant to your brand of hot tub.
By selecting a filter, the details and dimensions will be displayed along with other part numbers that the filter may also be known by.
If you still cannot identify you filter, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are very friendly and will do our best to help you
Happy Hot Tubbing!
The Darlly Team