Tell me about Darlly hot tub filters please!
Before we get to the filters, who are Darlly Europe? Briefly, Darlly Europe are Europe’s largest supplier of hot tub cartridge filters. We have the largest range of quality filters, in stock, and available for the majority of hot tubs, manufacturers and brands.
What different types of Darlly filter cartridge are available?
Darlly manufacture three main types of hot tub filter cartridge, Standard, Silverstream and the award-winning Sanistream.
What are the differences between these ranges and how do I know which are suitable for my hot tub?
Standard – This is the largest range of filters from Darlly, the largest filter manufacturer in the world. The standard Darlly filter has a robust very high-quality filter media suitable for nearly all applications of hot tubs & swim spas. Standard filters.
Silverstream – Our Darlly Silverstream range of filters have a similar filter material to the standard range of filters but with the additional benefit of Silver-Ion technology Antimicrobial Protection. The filter material is impregnated with Silver-Ion technology to help inhibit the growth of bacteria. It also offers increased filter life, a cleaner filter, no mould growth, fewer odours and fewer cleaning times. The Darlly Silverstream filter material is a distinctive blue colour to help differentiate it from standard filters. Silverstream filters.
SaniStream – The same quality filter material as the standard filter but with the added benefit of Darlly Europe’s revolutionary SaniStream® Direct Line Filtration system. This is a new and unique technology which combines the world’s finest hot tub filters with a safe, convenient, and effective in-built sanitiser dispenser (DL815 SpaPod) to give an integrated spa water treatment system. SaniStream® is suitable for domestic hot tubs and also allows compliance with Section 76 of HSG282 regulations for hot tubs installed in holiday let units. Sanistream filters.
Follow the links below to our YouTube videos to discover more about using SaniStream filters and SpaPods:-
Don’t forget your Darlly Duck to complement your filters!
Let your Darlly Duck free float around in your hot tub or place in the pool skimmer. When one side is dirty, flip it over. Depending on the saturation, it may be rinsed and re-used. The duck helps prevent a scum line forming and eliminates the need to scrub the acrylic shell of your hot tub, absorbing up to 40 times its weight in oils, lotions and cosmetics reducing contaminants from clogging the filter.
Happy Hot Tubbing!
The Darlly Team
What are the main benefits of buying quality filters
Filters are filters right? They all look the same so they will all filter the water and do the same job won’t they?
Some brands are a little more expensive and some brands are cheaper.
I’m trying to spend less and save the £££’s so why should I spend more money when I can get a cheaper filter?
This all sounds very attractive, and a good idea at the moment, with people tightening their financial belts, but in reality, does it make sense or is it false economy?
Generally, in life, we know that quality pays in the long run. The old adage, buy quality buy once, buy cheap buy twice applies to many products and services that we choose to invest our hard-earned cash into.
Let us take a moment to look at the filters in our hot tub, what they do for us and how they look after us whilst we are spending time relaxing and chilling out in our hot tubs. Finding out a little more about the tough life of a filter will help us to understand the benefits, efficiency, longer service life and the financial advantages of a quality filter.
Enjoyment of the hot tub experience is most definitely enhanced by clear clean water.
Dirty or contaminated water is pumped through the filter which collects any dirt and debris from the flow, the dirt is trapped within the filter and the filtered water is returned to the hot tub.
Without a quality filter, the water would soon become contaminated with contaminants from the environment (dust, leaves, insects etc) and from the hot tub users (Sunscreen, tanning products, make-up, deodorant, body oils, dirt, hair etc).
Without efficient filtration, these contaminants would soon build up to a critical level in the water. If left unaddressed, the bathing water can become cloudy and algae growth is a possibility. This can upset the balance of the water and chemical usage increases in trying to deal with the problem, which in turn hastens water saturation where the chemicals cease to be effective. As a result, the water can then become damaging to the hot tub mechanicals and/or affect the surface feel of the hot tub moulding.
High quality filters help to maintain high water quality for your enjoyment and piece of mind.
To maintain the desired high level of filtration, the filters require regular maintenance. The involves removing the existing filters and replacing with clean ones. The removed filters should be thoroughly cleaned using filter cleaning fluid. Just a quick hose down is not sufficient to clean them. The filter should be inspected to check that the filter material is not damaged, ripped or torn. If the filter material is damaged or compromised in any way, the filter should be replaced. In this condition, it will not filter the water efficiently or effectively.
An effective method to remove dirt and debris from pleated filters is to use the Darlly Cyclone Filter Cleaner (SC785) filter cartridge cleaner which easily attaches to any standard garden hose, followed by Darlly Filter Cartridge Cleaner (SC796).
The filters should be soaked overnight in a cleaning solution such as our Darlly Filter Cartridge Cleaner (SC796). Follow the simple instructions on the packaging to mix the solution. This can be mixed in a bucket and the filter(s) should then be submerged in the solution and to left to soak overnight for deep cleaning.
After removing from the solution, a thorough wash with a garden hose will complete the procedure before the filters are left to dry before use.
A thoroughly cleaned filter will provide more efficient filtration than a poorly cleaned one.

It can be advantageous to have two sets of filters to allow continued filtration and to help maintain water quality during the cleaning process.
The effectiveness of the filters can be seen by the amount of contamination trapped in the pleats of the fabric. Darlly’s high-quality robust filters are designed to withstand repeated cleaning cycles to ensure a long service life. Low cost alternatives may not trap contaminants in the same efficient manner or withstand as many cleaning cycles whilst still maintaining filter integrity and filtration efficiency required to maintain the water quality for you to enjoy.
So, back to the original question ‘Filters are filters, right?’ If your filters have a longer lifespan, you need to replace them less often. Fewer filters, fewer ££’s spent…
Higher quality filtration results in higher water quality to enjoy.
Would you want to sit in anything else?
Quality filters can work out less expensive over time with the added benefit of enjoying higher quality water.
Higher quality water usually results in fewer expensive chemical treatments too, thus saving money on chemicals.
Also remember the environmental aspect, fewer filters and chemicals is kinder to our wonderful planet. A win-win here!
In addition to the range of standard filters, Darlly also manufacture Darlly Silverstream filters in which the filter media is impregnated with silver ion particles which help to reduce bacteria both suspended in the water and also collected by the filter.
To view our range of filters click here.
If you have any suggestions for Filter Care topics that you would like us to cover, please do not hesitate to get in touch, we will see what we can do to help .
Happy Hot Tubbing!
The Darlly Team