Does my hot tub use filters?
Does my hot tub use filter? All hot tubs have and need filters because If they didn’t, the water would soon become so dirty with contamination. Meaning that it would become completely uninviting to bathe in and also unsafe.
It may be that your hot tub water is not very inviting and you are now looking for a solution to your hot tub’s yacky water….
Why is the water dirty in my hot tub?
There can be numerous reasons why the water is not crystal clear. Does the control panel show a flow error message? If so, it could be that the filters that you don’t know about in your hot tub are severely contaminated and nearly completely blocked.
If you don’t have a flow error message, it could be that there aren’t actually any filters in the filter housing, and the dirty unfiltered water is just being pumped back into the hot tub which is not ideal is it?
Why does a hot tub need filters?
Efficient and effective filters are not only an important necessity to help maintain high quality water for the bathers. The filters also help to keep the unseen plumbing and pipework clean and protect the expensive pumps.
We obviously need to do something about this poor water quality, so where do we find this filter housing?
Where are the filters located in my hot tub?
The filter housing is usually located inside the tub just below the waterline. There is usually a recess in the hot tub where the water flows into the filter housing, usually through a basket type device called a filter basket or skimmer basket.
This is designed to catch and stop any larger items being sucked down and causing damage to the filters, or even the pumps.
The filters are usually located below the skimmer basket, but before we start removing the lift-off panels or the skimmer basket, ensure that the hot tub is switched off for safety.
Take a look under the skimmer basket into the filter housing. Hopefully you should find one or maybe two filters there.

Where can I find information on how to clean hot tub filters?
Visit our Filter Care page to read about cleaning your filters. If you require replacement filters, head to our Filter Finder to help identify the quality Darlly filters you need.
For help and information about caring for your hot tub filters, follow the link to the Filter Care page on our website where you will find a wide range of easy-read topics about filters and hot tubs to help you enjoy crystal clear water in your hot tub.
If you have any questions about hot tub filters or suggestions for Filter Care topics, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We’re here to help and would love to hear from you.
Happy Hot Tubbing!
The Darlly Team
When should you replace Hot Tub Filters?
When to replace hot tub filters
Treat yourself and your hot tub pumps with new filters this spring!
Start the year as you mean to go on, enjoying crystal clear water with high quality Darlly filters.
When did you last replace your hot tub filters?

End of last year? Beginning of last year? Earlier? What condition are they in now, and more to the point, are they still capable of efficiently filtering out the contaminants in the water to give you the most relaxing and enjoyable bathing experience?
Enjoyment of the hot tub experience is most definitely enhanced by clear clean water.
Protecting the hot tub pumps
Your expensive hot tub pumps will also benefit from the protection offered by regularly maintained high quality filters. Contaminants and debris present in the water will be efficiently removed from the flow reducing the possibility of damage being caused to the pumps. Dirt and debris as well as an abnormal pH level can have a detrimental effect on the life expectancy of the pumps.
Hot tub without a filter
Without an efficient filter, the water would soon become contaminated with debris from the environment (dust, leaves, insects etc) and contaminants from the hot tub users such as sunscreen, tanning products, make-up, deodorant, body oils, dirt, hair etc.
Without efficient filtration, these contaminants would soon build up to a critical level in the water. If left unaddressed, the bathing water can become cloudy and algae growth is a possibility. This can upset the balance of the water and chemical usage increases in trying to deal with the problem, which in turn hastens water saturation to the point where the chemicals cease to be effective. As a result, the water can then become damaging to the hot tub mechanicals and/or affect the surface feel of the hot tub moulding.
Darlly Filters

In addition to the range of standard filters, Darlly also manufacture Darlly Sanistream in-line dosing filters that can add bromine of chorine directly into the flow.
Darlly Silverstream filters in which the filter media is impregnated with silver ion particles which help to reduce bacteria both suspended in the water and also collected by the filter.
Follow the link to view the Darlly range of quality filters for your hot tub.
Find My Filter
If you aren’t sure of which filter you need, grab your filter dimensions, note the top and bottom fitting then head to our easy-to-use Filter Finder for help.
If you have any questions or a topic you would like us to cover, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We’re here to help!
Happy Hot Tubbing!
The Darlly Team
Are all hot tub filters similar quality and equally efficient?
In a nutshell, no! Well, that was easy wasn’t it? Or was it?
Let’s have a brief look over some filters to find out a little bit more about them, what various types actually do, and what we really expect from them.
Finances can be a little tight at the moment so it can be tempting to save a little money by selecting a filter costing a little bit less. Is this a way to save money? Don’t all filters perform equally?
Let us ask ourselves what we want our filters to do for us.
The Hot Tub water always needs to crystal clear and inviting, this goes without saying and it is most desirable. What about how long the filter will continue to do this for us before it requires maintenance? What about how long the filter will last with repeated cleaning? How long before it will require replacing?
Arguably, the most important component here is the filter paper. Two similar-looking filters may differ enormously just in the filter paper alone. Briefly:-
1. The filtration quality affects the water quality.
2. The filter paper area affects how long the filter lasts between cleaning cycles. Filters of similar appearance may have up to 100% or more difference in filter paper area. The filter material pleats should also be robust enough not to ‘collapse’ or deform under pressure whilst holding filtered contaminants.
3. The quality and durability of the filter paper to withstand ripping and tearing through repeated cleaning cycles affects the lifespan of the filter.
4. The lifespan of the filter affects the running costs of the hot tub which ultimately means your pocket.
We can see from this that filters need to be robust quality items to withstand the day to day life that they are subjected to.
So far, we can see that as with most things in life, quality pays in the longer term. Purchasing a cheaper poor quality filter may not result in the saving that we thought it would be.
Something else to consider is the type of filter that we want. Have you considered a Darlly Sanistream or Darlly Silverstream filter?
Darlly Sanistream filters are designed to take a DL815 SpaPod inside. The refillable adjustable-dose pod is designed to hold chlorine or bromine tablets to continually dose the hot tub water.
Darlly Silverstream filters are impregnated using silver ion technology offering antimicrobial protection for the filter and bather. This process gives the filter a premium finish with increased filter life, a cleaner filter, no mould growth, fewer odours and fewer cleaning times.
As we can see, there are several options available when choosing replacement filters. Consider your needs and what you want your filter to do for you. Remember, the high quality filter can be the most efficient at delivering high quality water as well as being the most cost effective and sensible purchase.
If you have any suggestions for future Filter Care topics or you would like more information, please do not to get in touch. We are more than happy to help.
Happy Hot Tubbing
The Darlly Team
I don’t know the code for my filters, how can I find a replacement?
Well, the time has come to change the filters in your hot tub and for the life of you, you just can’t remember the part number of the filter. There isn’t a number on the filter, you didn’t retain the packaging or the label from the last time and you don’t know how to identify them. Relax! You’ve come to the right place.
Our up-to-date online catalogue lists our complete range of filters with the dimensions and thread type or fitting.
To help us identify your filter, let us get some information together to help us find your replacement.
We can use some or all of the following :- dimensions, fitting, manufacturers numbers, thread type (if any), hot tub manufacturer, brand etc. Does it have a closed top, a handle, open top?
To get the dimensions, check the guide below for help how to measure the filter.
There are a couple of ways to find the filter you need now, both from the home page of our website Hover above the FILTERS dropdown then select the type of filter you are searching for.
The ‘Find your filter’ helper is on the left hand side now. Scroll down here to select any relevant details to search for your filter. If this doesn’t find your exact filter, take a look inside our latest online brochure.
Open the latest filter brochure from the home page on the website. Scroll down to the ‘Find Your Filter’ pages then search with the information you have to identify your filter.
If you have your hot tub brand, you can use this to narrow the search.
How long should a hot tub filter last for?
How long can I reasonably expect my hot tub filters to last, what is a realistic lifespan?
Now, there’s the $64,000 question!
There are many factors that can affect the lifespan of hot tub filters, a great deal of which we, the user, have control over and so it is mostly down to us.
Let’s start at the top with this one – Filter quality. This is arguably the most important factor involved in filter longevity. Not only is the filtration quality important, the robustness and durability of the filter material is also key. This has a great impact on the number of times that the filter can be cleaned. A more durable filter material can be cleaned more times without damage and ‘wear and tear’ occurring than a cheaper poor-quality filter which is less able to sustain the cleaning and brushing required to return the filter to an acceptable state whilst still maintaining its original filtration qualities.
Darlly filters contain a high-quality durable filter material which ensures a longer service life able to tolerate many cleaning cycles without losing strength, integrity, and efficiency.
Regular and careful filter maintenance. The filters should be inspected and cleaned at regular intervals. It is important not to let the filters get too ‘overloaded’ or ‘clogged’ as this will have a detrimental effect not only on the filter but also on water quality.
The filters should be thoroughly and sympathetically cleaned to maintain the filtration efficiency, which, let’s face it, is the reason they are there!
The filters should be removed and gently washed and brushed before soaking in a filter cleaning solution. Gently does it so as not to cause physical damage to the filter.
Use the Darlly Cyclone Filter Cleaner (SC785) filter cleaner and detergent to truly clean the filters. You wouldn’t wash your clothes without detergent
For continuous hot tub enjoyment, having two sets of filters gives you the opportunity to quickly change the filters and then immediately continue enjoying your hot tub. The removed filters can then be cleaned and allowed to dry at a more convenient time. It is important the allow the filters to dry completely before refitting back into the hot tub.
The spare filters should be stored in a dry dust and dirt-free environment, after all, we want the filters to remove contaminants not add them!
Now, let us have a think about what we are asking the filters to do. What do we imagine that the filters will be removing from the water? There is probably a lot more being asked of the filter than we might first imagine. Dust? Dirt? Leaves? Yep, and more!
What about make-up, sunscreen, body fats, fake-tan, body dirt?
It is recommended that people shower before enjoying the hot tub as this will reduce the contaminants carried into the hot tub water. It’s all about maintaining water quality.
Taking these precautions such as regular gentle filter cleaning, reducing contaminants entering the water and generally maintaining water quality will help your filters work efficiently and considerably extend their service life. As you can see, caring for your filters can help then care for you!
Please see our other topics on Filter care, including ‘How to clean a dirty hot tub filter’.
Find out more about quality Darlly filters on our website
We hope that this topic has been helpful. If you have any suggestions for future hot tub filter topics, please don’t hesitate to get in touch, we will do our best to help you!
Happy Hot tubbing!
The Darlly Team
How To Measure a Hot Tub Filter?
When searching for replacement hot tub filters, if you do not have the part number of the quality Darlly filters required, use our quick-to-use comprehensive ‘Find your filter’ helper pages in our online catalogue. By using measurements and by matching the thread type pictures, you should be able to find the quality Darlly filter you and your hot tub deserve.
You can use the dimensions that you have to help get to the required filter. How do you measure a filter? Easy! Follow our easy-to-use guide below showing how to measure the relevant dimensions and identify the thread type, if any. All measurements are in cm.
How to measure External diameter for a filter
This is the measurement across the filter from edge to edge. This example is 12cm.

How to measure hot tub filter Length
Measure the length of the filter but do not include the handle or thread.

How to measure internal/Inside diameter for hot tub filter

Different hot tub filter Thread and fitting types (bottom of filter)
There are number of different types of fitting and thread types available. Filters can have male and female threads which can be coarse or fine, and possibly tapered.

Photo shows male threads, fine on the left hand side and coarse on the right hand side.
Measure the thread diameter. This is the inner edges of the hole of the male thread. For a female thread, measure the inner diameter.
The Fine Thread (MPT) has from 6 – 8 fine twists (Pleatco ends P4 or F2M) whereas the Coarse Thread (SAE) will have as little as only 3 thicker threads (Pleatco ends P3 or F2S).
Hot Tub Filter Male thread diameter measurement

Hot Tub Filter Female thread diameter measurement

Tops-From left to right- open (Hole), closed top, handle, removable lid handle

Now identify the top of your filter. Match it against one of the four main types shown in the photo to identify the type of top.
If you know the name of your hot tub manufacturer, this can help too.
Now that we have this information, we can now delve into the Darlly website or online brochure ‘Find Your Filter’ pages. Nearly there!
There are a couple of ways to find the filter you need now, both from the home page of our website (Hover above the FILTERS dropdown then select the type of filter you are searching for)
The ‘Find your filter’ helper is on the left hand side now. Scroll down here to select any relevant details to search for your filter. If this doesn’t find your exact filter, take a look inside our latest online brochure.
Open the latest filter brochure from the home page on the website. Scroll down to the ‘Find Your Filter’ pages then search with the information you have to identify your filter.
If you have your hot tub brand, you can use this to narrow the search.
The main identification chart will enable you to identify the exact filter you have using the top, bottom, length and diameter measurements of your existing filter.
If you also have the filter manufacturers part number, you can cross check this with the part numbers listed against the appropriate Darlly filter.
To find your local Darlly filter stockist, click on ‘Stockist’ on the homepage and either enter address or zoom in on the map.
All genuine Darlly filters have the part number printed on the end cap (eg “60401”)
Also the label on the wrapper will have all details. (Please keep safe this for your next filter change) Pleatco and Unicel will also sometimes have the part number on the end cap. Our brochure and website contain all of the part numbers to help you.
However, should you be without any part number after following the identification guide above and using our ‘Find a Filter’ guide using your measurements and brand identities, simply call us on +44 (0)1952 – 580500 we would be delighted to help you.
Happy Hot Tubbing!
The Darlly Team
What different types of Hot Tub filter cartridge are available?
Do you give much thought about the various kinds of hot tub filters available and what your options are?
Darlly offer three main types of filters. In addition to our standard filter, we offer the Silverstream antimicrobial filter and the SaniStream in-line dosing filter.
Standard Filters – This is the largest range of filters from the largest filter manufacturer in the world. The filter is a robust very high-quality media suitable for nearly all applications of hot tubs & swim spas. Find Them Here
Silverstream Filters – Our Darlly Silverstream range of filters have a similar filter material to the standard range of filters but with the additional benefit of Silver-Ion technology Antimicrobial Protection. The material is impregnated with Silver-Ion technology to help inhibit the growth of bacteria. It also offers increased filter life, a cleaner filter, no mould growth, fewer odours and fewer cleaning times. The Darlly Silverstream filter material is a distinctive blue colour to help differentiate it from standard filters. Find Them Here
SaniStream Filters – The same filter material as the standard filter but with the added benefit of Darlly Europe’s revolutionary SaniStream® Direct Line Filtration system. This is a new and unique technology which combines the world’s finest hot tub filters with a safe, convenient and effective sanitiser dispenser (DL815 SpaPod) to give an integrated spa water treatment system. SaniStream® is suitable for domestic hot tubs and also allows compliance with Section 76 of HSG282 regulations for hot tubs installed in holiday let units. Find Them Here
Follow the links below to our YouTube videos to discover more about using SaniStream filters and SpaPods:-
Don’t forget your Darlly Duck to complement your filters!
Let your Darlly Duck free float around in your hot tub or place in the pool skimmer. When one side is dirty, flip it over. Depending on the saturation, it may be rinsed and re-used. The duck helps prevent a scum line forming and eliminates the need to scrub the acrylic shell of your hot tub, absorbing up to 40 times its weight in oils, lotions and cosmetics reducing contaminants from clogging the filter.
Happy Hot Tubbing!
The Darlly Team